zondag 4 augustus 2013


On the 29th of July we had an approximately 3 hour flight from Sydney airport to Alice Springs.
Alice Springs is located in the centre of Australia as you can see on this map:

Alice Springs is a small town with 20.000 inhabitants.
We stayed here because the next day we were being picked up at 6 at our hotel by a little van from Adventure Tours.
We stayed in the middle of nowhere for 3 days. We camped and slept under the stars in swags.
(Swags are little beds you put over your sleeping bag.)
Sleeping under the stars there was one of the most amazing things I have ever done. There were SO many stars; it was incredible. People had already told me it was going to be gorgeous but when I was there and looked up I was shocked.
It is hard to explain what it was like, I think you will have to see it yourself to be able to share my emotions.

During those days we walked through Uluru, Kings Canyon and The Olgas and learned much about the culture of the Aboriginals.

We had a nice group and an amazing tour guide! In our group were two Canadian girls who were really funny and sweet!
We decided to stay in touch. It is lovely and so interesting to meet people from all over the world!

The second day was after my opinion the best. We were driving in the bus when suddenly our tour guide –her name was Q- said: ‘Oh yeah, I forgot to say that there is the opportunity to do a helicopter flight!’
My parents decided to ‘just’ do it. SO WE DID!
It was SO COOL!
We flew over the Kings Canyon, and it was so beautiful and so much fun!
We felt like pros with our headphones and microphone. Amazing.

On Friday the second of August we flew from Alice Springs to Cairns, were we are now, for the tropical sea part of our holiday.
More about Cairns later.

Uluru at sunset.

Now lots of photos of the helicopter ride!

On the last day we hiked through Kings Canyon. 
-The mountains you see on the photos made in the helicopter.-


2 opmerkingen:

  1. . . .

    Oh my god!
    Gotta love your parents, what an idea!
    how spontaneous.. wow. weren't you deadly afraid?
    it sounds amazing, all of it does!
    I have to tell you; I love the tenth, twelfth and thirteenth pictures!
    so.. I might have stolen some of your photos to use as my wallpaper..?
    hope you don't mind =]

    I truly adore your journey, and I am only sitting here and reading.. I cannot even imagine experiencing everything that you are experiencing.. I hope you all enjoy it as much as possible!

    Now I am going to plan a trip to somewhere far away, find a place in the middle of nowhere and gaze at the stars all night.. the way you talk about it makes me want to be there, right next to you.

    sigh.. just wow.

    Have a great time, honey!!

    btw.. am I the only one who noticed 'Mount Isa' on the map..?

    1. Hahahaha.. I know right!
      It was soooo cooool. No, crazy enough it wasn't scary at all, I swear!
      You goooooot to be kidding me, hahaha awww I am so honored!
      You are too sweet. <3<3<3

      Ahhw, yeah I am so lucky to be able to do this!! It is just a-m-a-z-i-n-g..
      Thank you so so much honeyyy!

      YOU SHOULD! It was so special! Lets do it together!! ;)


      Thank you again, my love!

      Hahaha no we noticed it too, isn't it fun!

