zondag 4 augustus 2013


Hello all,
Sorry for not writing, I have some pretty good excuses though:
1. Half of the time that I didn’t write, I was in the middle of nowhere hiking through gorgeous nature and sleeping under the stars. No phone, no laptop, nothing.
2. Here in Australia they think Free WiFi is ridiculous.
3. I did so much. Most of my days started at 6 a.m. and by the time I got back at the hotel I was desperate for some sleeping time.

Enough excuses, time to tell about the AMAZING time I am having here.

I am going to start with our last days of Sydney.

27th of July
This day the weather was amazing again. The sun was shining bright and the blue sky was present again.
It is winter in Australia at the moment, but mostly the weather is even better than in our summer.
Give us a winter like this please.

Back to the 27th. Today we went to Manly, which is a small village part of Sydney. It is famous for its beach.
We did a biking tour through Manly and saw beautiful picturesque views that we otherwise wouldn’t have seen.
We all loved Manly beach.
Manly has an amazing boulevard with the nicest restaurants.
As you can understand, lunch was taken care of easily.
The food here is super by the way! Such nice and classy restaurants!
The thing we love also is the fact that in European countries gorgeous beaches like Manly are immediately made really touristic and spoilt, not in Australia.
In Australia everywhere we have been yet everything is so clean and as I said classy.

We also went to Bondi beach!
No lifeguards unfortunately.. ;)

28th of July
We didn’t spend this day in Sydney.
We got picked up at 7 –I believe- and drove to the Blue Mountains with a tour guide and eleven other travellers.
The mountains are called this way because of the blue glow they seem to have when you look at them.
We walked quite a heavy track through the mountains.
But it was beautiful!


4 opmerkingen:

    So nice to read that you also made friends hahaha. And not to forget the pictures! OMG THE PICTURES! They are so beautiful! Can't wait to do this with you though ahahah, ones you said that I couldn't get it of my mind hahaha. Have fun sweetiee :)

    xoxo Roooos

    1. ROOSIE <3
      Yeah it was so nice! The people here are so lovely!!
      Ahw thank you so much honey <3<3
      Yessss that would be SO awesome! Lets start saving..
      You too my dear!
      x x x x x

  2. Wow Ies!
    it looks amazing..
    damn I wish I was there with you!
    I still love the clear and bright colors of your camera, your shots are amazing.
    I especially love the second and sixth shot of your 28th day, and the one of the scenery, above the parrot pic =]
    How is the journey affecting your view on life?
    it all looks so prettyyyy.
    anyway, Enjoy your stay and I hope you'll meet a lot of great people, and experience amazing things =]

    Lots of love,


    ps. check out that Sydney Flashmob, maybe you've been where they did it? :P

    1. Daaan!!
      It is! I am so blessed to be here, I am having the time of my life, seriously..
      Yesss that would be even more amazing :))..
      Ah thank you so much!
      I don't have any free wifi for my phone so no whatsapp.. I bought 24 hours of internet for my laptop though!
      So I can't whatsapp you or anything..
      Ehm, good question.. Well I now am even more sure that I don't want to stay in the small country that Holland is..
      I really want to continue traveling.. hehe
      Thank you so so much <333
      You too!! Enjoy your holiday!!

      Many hugs and kisses,


      ps. ooooh I will!
